The eXperimental Development Model (XDM) is a 15-m diameter radio telescope antenna prototype for the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT). It is located at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO). It is being used to test technology leading up to development of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA).
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2007 08 01 Outreach is part of the KAT project. Here Simon Ratcliffe of the KAT team demonstrates a microwave feed horn made from a large coffee tin to HartRAO staff, in preparation for a visit by high school learners.
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2007 08 02 The pointing of XDM was initially set using an optical tracker. Here the optical element is being installed on the edge of the dish by Marius from IST.
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2007 08 02 Close up of the optical tracker, complete with Sun filter for daytime measurements.
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2007 08 14 XDM during testing. The 26-m telescope in the background is taking part in a geodetic VLBI experiment. This is revealed by the presence of the S-X dichroic reflector on the Cassegrain cone.
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2007 08 15 Robert Crida of the KAT team and Margaret Campbell of IST testing the telescope control software.
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2007 08 16 The optical tracker used to collect data for developing the pointing model for XDM was repositioned to the apex of the feed support legs. A night of star tracking is about to begin.
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2007 08 29 Preparation for mounting the multifeed L-band receiver on XDM.
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2007 08 29 The circular mounting plate for the multifeed receiver system is bolted into place.
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2007 08 30 the Sun sets on XDM after another day of preparation for the multifeed receiver.
Find out more about the SKA and KAT at