SLA_RVEROT - RV Corrn to Earth Centre ACTION: Velocity component in a given direction due to Earth rotation. CALL: R = sla_RVEROT (PHI, RA, DA, ST) GIVEN: PHI R geodetic latitude of observing station (radians) RA,DA R apparent alpha, delta (radians) ST R local apparent sidereal time (radians) RETURNED: sla_RVEROT R Component of Earth rotation in direction RA,DA (km s-1) NOTES: 1. Sign convention: the result is positive when the observatory is receding from the given point on the sky. 2. Accuracy: the simple algorithm used assumes a spherical Earth and an observing station at sea level; for actual observing sites, the error is unlikely to be greater than 0.0005 km s-1. For applications requiring greater precision, use the routine sla_PVOBS.