Local Sidereal Time (LST) for Hartebeesthoek 15m radio telescope
East Longitude 27° 41' 03.36"
Day of Year Universal Time UTC
Modified Julian Date
Local Sidereal Time
Source observability examples
With 15m telescope Vela pulsar is
With 15m telescope Pulsar B1641-45 is

Note that the times displayed are derived from the clock in your PC, so their accuracy depends on how well the PC has been synchronised to external time standards. Check your PC's clock here.

The two bright pulsars B0833-45 (Vela Pulsar) and B1641-45 are observable above 3 degrees elevation with the HartRAO 15m telescope.

With the 15m telescope pulsar B0833-45 is UP from 00h 59m to 16h 10m LST.

With the 15m telescope pulsar B1641-45 is UP from 09h 02m to 00h 21m LST.

Southern sources are observable with the polar-mount 26m telescope at HartRAO between HA -88 degrees and HA +88 degrees.

The horizon mask for the 26m telescope is provided in the 26m telescope technical details webpage.

With the 26m telescope pulsar B0833-45 is observable from 02h 44m to 14h 27m LST.

With the 26m telescope pulsar B0833-45 is observable from 10h 54m to 22h 37m LST.

With the 26m telescope Cir X-1 (J2000 15h 20m 11s -44 7' 48") is observable from 09h 28m to 21h 12m LST